Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Fiiiiiiinal Countdown

Oops, I haven't updated in 4 weeks :-/

The office is totally dead. No one is doing anything especially productive, and with only 2 days left of work, no one really has any reason to be. Too bad we're not drinking...


I found the best website to ever grace the World Wide Web. will find the cheapest beer in your neighborhood and point you to it. It's updated by two Cal State Fullerton kids who decided to make a buck.

Dammit. Why didn't I have that idea?

I checked my bank account today and realized I am REALLY broke. This summer may not be as full of possibilities as I had originally hoped. But ALAS! I am still hopeful! There must be some free stuff to do in this town, right?

Tomorrow I celebrate my last day of work with an early morning DMV appointment. BOOYAH!

And this weekend, I will supplement my income by selling all of the free CD's and DVD's I scored from the show to Amoeba. ROCK!

I'm hoping to use the money I make from Amoeba to buy one of these badass beauties. How fun!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Four Weeks

In exactly 4 weeks my job officially goes on hiatus. From May 29 to July 10, I will not make the hour-long commute from Burbank to Culver City. I will not sleepily jab at the buttons on the Starbucks machine in the hopes that a glorious cup of aromatic brew will get the blood pumping through my veins. I will not check my work email. I will not humor my boss by laughing at his corny/completely inappropriate jokes. I will not write cue cards, update Filemaker, research celebrities, or book travel for The Bossman. I will not take notes during pitch meetings. I will not watch youtube videos for hours on end or scour the web for LOST spoilers while pretending to write Extremely Important Emails.* I will have no schedule, no routine, and no income. What I WILL have is a blog, and the free time to do everything in LA I've wanted to try but never had a chance to. And I'll document it for the masses!

*I will most likely continue to watch hours of youtube and read LOST spoilers. I just won't have to hide it from our big, muscle-y EIC during the hiatus.

For those of you who are confused by my employment status, let me explain. I work for a television show. This show happens to air reruns during the summer, giving the staff close to 3 months off. Unpaid. It's like adults on summer vacation!

...only better because we can drink.

...but worse because we can't really afford the $12 cranberry vodkas they serve up in Hollywood

What's most troubling to me is the fact that I will have to actually BUY food. Hollywood is chock full of jobs offering long hours for disgustingly low pay. But the reward is in free eats at Craft Services. I don't think my kitchen has been fully stocked once since moving to LA 2 1/2 years ago. I guess I'll have to learn to cook this summer...

Living large with no cash isn't really a stretch for me - I've done it since graduating in '06. But 3 months with no work is a long time. I'm not sure how this will really go. But in order to make this a little more interactive, let me ask you, the reader, a simple question...

What should I do this summer?
